Inflation Raising Grocery Bills

Inflation Raising Grocery Bills

Food inflation in Canada is at 6.5 percent, the highest year-over-year increase in grocery expenditures in more than a decade, thanks to increasing supply costs, shipping fees, and wages. “We’re starting to see commodity price increases ripple through to...

Grocery Trends to look for in 2022

Consumers are continuing the search for meals that are prepared ethically, have high nutritional value and can be delivered in an eco-friendly fashion, but preferably in less than an hour or it’s free. These five trends are all on-brand for 2022: Vegetarian, But Make...
Minimum Wage to Increase in New Year

Minimum Wage to Increase in New Year

The Ontario government, by way of Premier Ford, announced they plan on raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour come the new year. This change will include servers and other occupations who make regular tips that are traditionally paid in a separate category.  “Liquor...
Eating Right and Early

Eating Right and Early

Breakfast is back in style, and with it, innovative creations made for mornings. As predicted, the first meal of the day is once again becoming the most cherished. With people still working from home, many by choice at this point, a lot of folks are finding they have...
CJR Wins Partner Of The Year!

CJR Wins Partner Of The Year!

DCI, in association with the Canadian Independent Grocery Buyers Alliance (CIGBA), celebrated its 40th Anniversary Mix & Mingle and Star Awards last Wednesday with a virtual gala presented by Howell Data Systems. Its retail members and supplier partners were...
Ontario’s Post-Covid19 Grocery Industry

Ontario’s Post-Covid19 Grocery Industry

COVID-19 has brought to light aspects of food retail that most consumers had formerly taken for granted. The period of panic-buying has curbed as consumers have become accustomed to the “new normal” of grocery shopping. New shopping patterns, with higher reliance on...